Domestic Abuse, Sensitivity and Healing.

There IS hope. Walking on eggshells, feeling anxious, confused, scared, depressed, overwhelmed, deflated, isolated, useless, diminished, defeated, loss of confidence, continually doubting yourself, sense of hopelessness and feeling ashamed - the list can go on. Domestic abuse is a difficult subject to think about, let alone talk about. Many perhaps still see domestic abuse as […]

Stigma and mental health

Stigma What a shame that it is still ‘uncool’ to admit to needing help with our mental health and emotional wellbeing. We don’t give it a second thought if we have a problem with our digestive system, our lungs, our ears, or our big toe. But when it comes to our psychological well-being, we keep […]

Surviving Domestic Abuse

Domestic Abuse Surviving domestic abuse is possible. As a survivor myself I understand the pain, upset, disbelief, anger, fear, disappointment and torment that can be felt as a result. There is no excuse for domestic abuse. There is no need to treat someone in a demeaning, insulting, hurtful way. It is a projection of the […]

Here is the REAL therapist……

My denial of who I am My intention as a therapist is to foster independence as I help heal. Being there whilst the individual travels through their own transformation process, and out the other side to confidence, self esteem, growth, contentment. Being a witness to their story of their life, and what an honour it […]