
I love to help people heal and I have a number of ways that I do this. My work is mainly solution focused. Counselling is part of the whole intermingled with teaching, coaching and mentoring. I am not here to tell you what to do, however from my experience and comments from clients, the teaching, feedback and suggestions are all a welcome part of our work together.

Individual Sessions

Individual weekly sessions cost £65 per hour. Please note that 24 hrs notice is required otherwise, the full fee is payable.

Healing programmes as listed below offer a discount for booking and paying for 10 sessions in advance. They allow you to commit to your healing and give you the best results.

Special Offer

"From Confusion to Clarity"

Beta Offer £199 until end August 2024

Read more here.

HSP and Empath Consultations

Nurturing the Sensitive Soul consultation, includes assessment and education.

Sometimes, just knowing is all that is required. This is suitable for those who are NOT in need of, or do not want therapy, but DO want to understand and get guidance on their sensitive nature.

1 ½ hours – £150.

Follow up session if required £65 per hour.

Parents of Sensitive Children. Suitable after assessment or it you already know your child is an HSP. This is to help you get an understanding of your sensitive child, their needs and how you can help them.

1 hour – £65

Ongoing assistance – £15 per 15 mins.

From Confusion to Clarity

Beta Offer £199 - extended to end September 2024

Are you feeling lost, confused, lacking confidence and self-belief and would like to have more clarity, a sense of purpose and better understanding of your negative patterns and beliefs, a better vision for your future, and new tools to keep you moving forwards?

I am delighted to be able to offer you three highly focused information packed sessions to help you get a clearer idea of what is holding you back, what you need to do and how, and what needs to be cleared from your life, enabling you to find your inner magic and feel more at peace with yourself. This will also serve as an insight into me and how I work should you choose to go deeper into your healing.

This programme will help you to find your authentic self and discover who you truly are. This is a new programme and intended for anyone feeling lost yet is prepared to work on themselves in a focused way. This is offered for a very limited time only as I finalise the details. This is why you will get it at an amazing price before the price goes up. You will be getting huge value for your money.

Here’s what’s included:

After establishing some of your negative beliefs or patterns we will look to re-framing them using a different language that is more inspiring, uplifting, positive and longer lasting.

I will teach you how to talk to yourself in a better way. You will learn how to tap. We can use EFT tapping in different ways, I will teach you two basic ways to get you started. If more in depth healing is required this will need to be addressed in separate sessions.

I will give you the basic tapping set up as a handout. Healing really is at your fingertips.

You will learn some basic visualisation and meditation techniques to help you feel more grounded and centred. These are kept simple for this short programme and will help you manage stressors in your life.

You will also receive a workbook titled Self Discovery This includes:

  • What makes my heart sing? To help you get in touch with what truly gives you joy in life.
  • Troll Travels - Who am I? Do you really know what makes you, you?
  • Role Model Confidence Boost. What we admire in others can help us build on qualities within ourselves.
  • Daily Gratitude Journal. One of the best things we can do to get out of a rut.
  • Intuition and Dream Exercise. Start accessing your intuition - it’s yours, and only yours. Use it!
  • Draw out your Gremlin. Self-Sabotage holds us back. Gain insight into your negative thought patterns

We will take a look at these in session, but the workbook is intended more for you to work on in between our time together. It is yours to keep and return to when needed, and can be updated at any time as you travel forwards on your journey into Self Discovery.

This programme is designed to help you to feel more connected with yourself in a more authentic way. You will start to reduce any overwhelm as you align to your true self and find more balance, calm, clarity and have more energy and enjoyment in your life.

Your investment for better wellbeing, clarity and confidence: £199

This is an incredible offer for what you will receive. The price will go up in September.

I have been working with people for the best part of 25 years and am passionate about creating a nurturing safe space for people to explore and re-establish contact with themselves. I am here to support, guide and teach you on your journey of transformation in creative, intuitive, deeply healing ways.

You may not need ongoing help, however, we all feel stuck at times and need a little help and support tok get moving again. this programme will help you to do just that.

Why not contact me today and make use of this fantastic offer before the price goes up.

Specialist, Intuitively Guided Healing Programmes

Through many years’ experience, I have noticed that the best results come from regular sessions. The cumulative effect of each treatment brings sustained relief as your well-being increases. The upshot is that we achieve faster results or ‘breakthroughs’. Your well-being is my priority, and not just as we work together to reach your objectives. We will discuss your needs and desired outcome prior to commencement so we have a plan for your sessions. I offer several cost-effective programmes to help you ensure that you receive the most benefit from these treatments.

Make yourself a priority over a longer period of time.

Programmes need to be paid prior to treatment either in full, or, for the enhanced and intermediate programmes, in instalments, and to be agreed prior to commencement and paid in advance of completion.

Enhanced Healing Programme

10 sessions, £620 (10 hours total)

£62 per session

This offers deep and intimate support over an extended period to allow the safe release of past hurts and re-establishing of core health.

Sessions will include EFT tapping, specific coaching worksheets, changing mindset, meditation techniques and other teaching as required.

Intermediate Healing Programme

6 sessions, £390 (6 hours total)

£65 per session

This programme is suitable for those who have done significant healing work in the past, benefitting from deeper support over several weeks. This will help cement in what has been learned and help maintain balance and wholeness in your life.

Sessions will include a review of work done up to this point, tapping to remove residual blocks or limiting beliefs, worksheets as required, and ongoing mentoring.

Maintenance Healing Programme

3 Sessions, £210 (3 hours total)

£70 per session

Highly focused and recommended for maintenance once you have achieved your goal of well-being; this is often needed during seasonal shifts or at busy times in your own life for deeply focused work.

Balance and Self Care 1 - 1 and Workshops

Does your life feel unmanageable leaving you feeling overwhelmed?

Are you out of balance mentally, emotionally and physically?

Are you there for others to the detriment of yourself?

Would you like to make changes but don’t know where, and how to start?

Need some help to move on from the disruption of the Pandemic?

If you can relate to any of these then my upcoming workshop can help you to get started. I will help you to identify the things that are not working for you and recognise where you can make some adjustments to leave you feeling grounded, centered and happier in your life.

Using my unique combination of coaching, tapping and meditation, you will receive a workbook and tools to help you move forward with confidence and resolve.

As well as coaching you, I will teach you how to use EFT Tapping, some basic breathing exercises, meditation and visualisation techniques to help you to relax and prepare yourself to make the changes you want to make.

We will look at the following topics from the workbook in the session: – Your current Balance and Self- Care Levels, Specific Self-Care Needs and Taking Action & Setting Boundaries.

Workbook exercises include:

  • The Wheel of Life
  • Self-care quiz
  • Are you sitting TOO comfortably?
  • Energy zappers
  • Detox your toxic relationships
  • Self-care and needs review
  • The power of No!
  • and finally….. Letting Go exercise

Dates available:

Further dates are to be added soon.

Your investment for an individual is £528 for 6 highly focused sessions.

The workshop costs £250.

Included in the price will be your workbook, a 30-minute 1-1 session with me, and refreshments.

Workshops are available for a minimum of four people. Please feel free to contact me with your requirements.

Self Discovery Workshop

To be truly happy in life, it helps to know who we are; this enables us to express that to others by being authentic. To achieve success in life, it helps to be congruent, aligning our actions with our values and who we truly are.

This Self Discovery package will help you achieve focus and clarity, enabling better actions, habits and decision making. You will learn to align your life, priorities and actions.

These Self Discovery tools will help you get to know yourself better and express yourself more authentically in the world. Who are you? What do you love? What really matters to you? What do you value most about yourself? Where might you be sabotaging yourself?

Exercises include:

  • Draw out your gremlin
  • Personal values identification
  • Who am I?
  • What makes my heart sing?
  • Daily gratitude diary
  • Intuition and dream symbol exercise
  • EFT tapping and meditation as required

Dates available:

Further dates are to be added soon.

Your investment for an individual is £528 for 6 highly focused sessions.

The workshop costs £250

Included in the price will be your workbook, a 30-minute 1-1 session with me (workshop participants), and refreshments.

Workshops are available for a minimum of four people. Please feel free to contact me with your requirements.

1 - 1 Wellbeing Packages are currently on offer when booked and paid for. Offer ends June 30th, 2024

Help to identify what may be generating stress, anxiety, depression, low mood, or general unhappiness and dissatisfaction in your life with these wellbeing packages. The focus is on helping you get in touch with what is missing in your life and what is needed to bring about transformation, bringing joy, happiness and better life satisfaction.

Combining coaching, EFT tapping, and meditation/guided visualisation, these sessions will enable you to take a look at your life right now, identify where you are holding yourself back, re-establish boundaries, re-group, and re-balance.

Balance & Self Care

£420 for 6 hours per package, face-to-face or online. The price will increase to £528 from July 1

Self Discovery

£420 for 6 hours per package, face-to-face or online. The price will increase to £528 from July 1