Emotional Freedom Technique


Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique incorporates theories from holistic therapies such as acupressure, energy medicine and neuro-linguistic programming.

Many eastern medicine models are founded on the belief that there are channels of energy within the body. It is thought that when these channels (meridians) become blocked, energy becomes unbalanced. This then leads to physical and emotional symptoms.

As well as affecting our health, emotional blocks can lead to limiting beliefs and behaviours. This may result in phobias, anxiety, depression or even addictions.

EFT acknowledges this and combines energy medicine with psychological interventions for a truly holistic approach to health.

In a similar way to acupuncture, EFT looks to release blocked energy by stimulating the meridian points. Rather than using needles however, this therapy uses tapping techniques.

How does EFT work?

Negative emotions and illness are interlinked. Physical problems create emotional responses and emotional problems often manifest physical symptoms.

The basic technique involves repeating a positive affirmation then focusing on the concern (for example anxiety) while tapping on each meridian point. This is the basic method and there are many ways of assisting the client through more difficult problems.

What can it help with?

EFT works well for recurring problems as they aim to tackle the root cause, rather than simply treating symptoms.

EFT can be used for:

  • addiction
  • depression
  • fears and phobias
  • stress
  • pain management
  • anxiety
  • panic attacks
  • trauma
  • anger management
  • weight loss

Some research on EFT and its effectiveness.

Staffordshire University pioneered research into the effectiveness of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or tapping in the UK. Professor Tony Stewart led an evaluation at Sandwell PCT,

Dr Ian Walton, GP and mental health lead for Sandwell and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group, said:   “The successful use of EFT demonstrated in this study has not only influenced counsellors and therapists in Sandwell to be trained to use this method of treatment, but also local mental health charities are seeing the value in being trained to use EFT in the work that they do."

Can Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) be effective in the treatment of emotional conditions? Results of a service evaluation in Sandwell.  Journal of Psychological Therapies in Primary Care, 2, 71-84.

Objectives: A service evaluation was carried out to establish the feasibility and effectiveness of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) in the NHS.

Results: Thirty-nine clients gave consent, and 31 completed therapy. A total of 77% were female, and 80% were White British. The mean age was 45 years (range 18-76),and mean number of sessions attended was 5 (median 4; range 2-17). The main presenting conditions were anxiety, depression and anger and clients revealed up to 4 additional issues.

Conclusion:  significant improvements were shown. The results support the potential of EFT as a cost-effective treatment to reduce the burden of a range of physical and psychological disorders.

Extract taken from -  http://www.staffs.ac.uk/news/alternative-tapping-technique-good-for-mental-health.jsp

A link for a good introduction and explanation of EFT - http://www.thetappingsolution.com/

Another link for evidence of effectiveness:-  https://goe.ac/eft_studies.htm

Below is a list of hospitals and doctors who use EFT

  • National Institute for Clinical Evidence (NICE)  research here EFT used within NHS in Scotland
  • Other Hospitals:Chesterfield NHS (Mental Health Service?)
  • Christie Hospital Manchester (cancer/palliative care)
  • Forth Valley NHS (Behavioural Therapy Service)
  • Beechwood Cancer Support Centre
  • Central Lancashire NHS (current pilot study at Stop Smoking Service)
  • Lincoln NHS
  • Pembroke & Tavistock NHS

Testimonials from medical professionals……

“EFT is the single most effective tool I’ve learned in 40 years of being a therapist.”Dr. Curtis A. Steele (psychiatrist)

“In my 50 years as a practicing psychiatrist, EFT has proven to be one of the most rapid and effective techniques I’ve ever used”   Henry Altenberg, MD

“Some day the medical profession will wake up and realize that unresolved emotional issues are the main cause of 85% of all illnesses. When they do, EFT will be one of their primary healing tools…as it is for me.”   Eric Robins, MD

"I’ve used Tapping for years and highly recommend it!”  Joe Vitale, Bestselling author and one of the stars of the hit movie “The Secret””

"EFT is destined to be the top healing tool for the 21st century.”   Cheryl Richardson,  Author of “Stand Up for Your Life,” “Take Time for Your Life” and “Life Makeovers” – Expert personal coach and lecturer

"EFT offers great healing benefits" -  Deepak Chopra,Bestselling author of more than fifty books and co-creator of the Chopra Center

“What’s interesting about EFT is that it is a process that really, in some sense engages… like super learning and super learning is like pushing the record button on the subconscious mind.”   Dr Bruce Lipton, Author of “The Biology of Belief” – Internationally recognized speaker in bridging science and spirit.