Surviving Domestic Abuse

Domestic Abuse

Surviving domestic abuse is possible. As a survivor myself I understand the pain, upset, disbelief, anger, fear, disappointment and torment that can be felt as a result.

There is no excuse for domestic abuse. There is no need to treat someone in a demeaning, insulting, hurtful way. It is a projection of the abusers own hurt. It is an inability to take responsibility for their own past that prevents them from seeing what they are doing to their victim.

Like I said, there is no excuse for their behaviour. So what about you? What are your needs? Although I know that sometimes when in that situation it is hard to know what we need – we’re in survival mode. There’s no time and space to work out our own needs.

Surviving to thriving

What helps is a listening ear. Someone who is not emotionally involved yet has been there and knows what you’re going through. What helps is someone who is non-judgemental, has no ulterior motive and can help you to find your way through.

Being on the receiving end of domestic abuse is incredibly painful, demoralising, degrading and it eats away at your self-esteem. We lose sight of ourselves. We forget who we truly are. We start believing in the lies we are told about ourselves and our lives. We are diminished beyond belief, turning ourselves into someone we’re not; as a way of surviving, staying safe.

We can survive and we can heal. With the right help we can find ourselves again, we can live again. There is life after abuse. Little by little we can rediscover ourselves, start living the life we are meant to live. We can be authentic and feel safe doing so. We can come out stronger than ever.

If you are a sensitive soul in an abusive relationship, then you are more likely to find yourself in a relationship a narcissist. In this instance it’s a bit of the ‘opposites attract’ unfortunately. I’ve been there too.


If this resonates with you please get in touch. I can help you – in my way. Let’s talk before you decide if you want to take your healing journey with me. for more information about me see here.


For further help and information click on the links below.