My Services - Counselling, Coaching, Mentoring and EFT Tapping

Liss and Petersfield, Hampshire and Online Via Zoom

“If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.”

Lao Tzu – Chinese Philosopher

Counselling in Liss & Petersfield, Hampshire and Zoom

The part where you talk, I listen, and together we work towards your healing transformation to more peace, balance, and happiness in your life.

If you are needing help with an area of your life, then I will help you transform from where you are to where you want to be. You will feel relieved of your problem, more in control, happier, confident, and productive, as well as having better work and personal relationships.

I am a highly experienced and qualified therapist with over 20 years of professional experience, including in the Mental Health sector. I studied Humanistic Counselling at Chichester University. Humanistic Counselling focuses on the belief that we have inherent worth, deserve respect, and have an innate tendency towards growth and change—that we can reach our potential. It encourages us to think about our feelings and take responsibility for our actions.

Working intuitively, I have an active, creative, and holistic approach to counselling based on the belief that we all have the answers we need within us. By taking personal responsibility for our own lives and with the help of someone who will not be emotionally involved, we can start to see solutions. We can do this in a number of ways, starting with the here and now, gaining self-awareness, and being open to new perspectives.

I would not consider myself a ‘traditional’ counsellor. I work ethically; I listen to my clients and then intuitively draw upon many different theories and practices from both eastern and western philosophies. Being able to combine all the above and work flexibly gives me an edge. I will help you understand how your thoughts are affecting you and how to change them. If you believe that you need someone who is highly qualified in just one modality rather than working holistically, then I am not the therapist for you.

Many of my clients have commented that they like the fact that I work very pro-actively and give feedback, guidance, and suggestions. I do not tell anyone what to do; however, there are always times in our lives when we need and will benefit from some direction. This is where mentoring is helpful, especially when I can draw upon my own experiences to help you.

I am a Senior Member of the Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists.

Book your free introductory session

Call me for more information and to book in for your free 30 minute session, allowing you to decide if I am the right therapist for you.

Thanks to Zoom I work Internationally so location is not a problem.

Case Study

Donna was referred to me by her GP along with a letter she had written explaining her problem. Donna had seen a number of therapists – a psychotherapist and a hypnotherapist, as well as tried EFT and Reiki over the years, but she was no closer to understanding why she was experiencing the uncomfortable and distressing digestive problems she had had since childhood. Donna described herself as “batty” because of some of the strange things that she experienced. As a child, she was aware of a spirit in their old house and has had other similar experiences since.

Donna had experienced some dark moments in her life and, despite her past therapy, did not feel that anyone ‘got’ her, and as a result, she felt alone with her problems and the anxiety that was ruling her life.

"Over the years I have been to many therapists, all offering different ways of working, and while some of them helped, they never really understood “me”. When I went to Helen, she was very intuitive and seemed to see “me” fully. We worked through an array of techniques until we found the ones that worked for me. She has given me a new found confidence and the techniques and tools to conquer my fears. Helen is kind, compassionate, and very approachable, which makes it all the easier to open up. I would highly recommend her. Thank you, Helen, for giving me my life back."



Donna initially needed time to talk through her history, which included an absent father, the death of an early boyfriend, a motorbike accident, and a near-death experience. As she talked, she was able to see some connections, which we were then able to tap on. This led her to understand how she had been affected by certain situations, and by understanding, she was able to start looking at them from a different perspective.

I encouraged Donna to notice how she was speaking to herself – the words that she was using as well as the thoughts she was thinking. Donna was in the habit of calling herself derogatory names along with expecting the worst for a future event. She was also asking ‘Why’ certain things had happened in her life, without realising that by asking “Why”, she was living in the past rather than focusing on what she wanted in the future.

So, she worked on her self-talk by becoming more aware of what she said to herself and started asking herself different questions: “What do I need to do now?”, “How will I feel if I do…?” “I wonder what it would be like to do…”. By asking different questions, Donna was able to start changing how she was feeling, consequently improving her physical health. By the time we finished working together, Donna had learned about and accepted her sensitive nature and felt so much more in control of herself mentally, emotionally, and physically.

“Once your negative emotions, beliefs and experiences have been processed and released, you’re free to feel and be positive again”.

Nick Ortner, The Tapping Solution

EFT Tapping - Emotional Freedom Technique

EFT tapping can help alleviate distress, trauma, pain, phobias, negative habits and more.

EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique (or Tapping) is used to help alleviate emotional distress, trauma, pain, phobias, negative habits, and much more. I am an advanced, certified and accredited EFT Practitioner and I can help you with stress, anxiety, low mood, depression, relationship problems, work issues, etc. using this easy-to-learn technique, also known as Energy Psychology.

EFT incorporates theories from holistic therapies such as acupressure, energy medicine, and neuro-linguistic programming.

Many eastern medicine models (Traditional Chinese Medicine, inc. acupuncture) are founded on the belief that there are channels of energy within the body. It is thought that when these channels (meridians) become blocked, energy becomes unbalanced. This then leads to physical and emotional symptoms.

As well as affecting our health, emotional blocks can lead to limiting beliefs and behaviours. This may result in phobias, anxiety, depression, or even addictions. EFT acknowledges this and combines energy medicine with psychological interventions for a truly holistic approach to health, and in a similar way to acupuncture, EFT looks to release blocked energy by stimulating the meridian points. Rather than using needles, however, this therapy uses tapping techniques.

Negative emotions and illness are interlinked. Physical problems create emotional responses, and emotional problems often manifest physical symptoms. The basic technique involves repeating a positive affirmation, then focusing on the concern (for example, anxiety), while tapping on each meridian point. This is the basic method, and there are many ways of assisting the client through more difficult problems.

I am an Advanced and Accredited practitoner and member of EFT International

Book your free EFT introductory session

Call me for more information and to book in for your free 30 minute session, allowing you to decide if I am the right therapist for you.

Thanks to Zoom I work Internationally so location is not a problem.

Case Study

David’s sessions included counselling, coaching, Reiki and meridian therapies, all of which helped him relax and tune into his body.

David came to me through his GP having been discharged from the Community Mental Health team. He had spent a short time in an in-patient unit after being diagnosed with depression, including psychotic features. He had received some CBT style therapy in the community, but with little effect. He stated feeling depressed, lost and helpless. David had been self-employed, but since his boss retired, he was now out of work.

He was very quiet and withdrawn. Intuitively I felt that he was sensitive to some degree or another. I used a questionnaire to help assess the likelihood of the innate trait of high sensitivity. He scored highly and could deeply relate to most of the questions. Immediately he brightened as he started to realise that he was not alone in how he was feeling.

David had been working very long hours while in a physically and emotionally abusive relationship. His relationship with his parents could be toxic, especially with his mother. David was highly anxious and had given up hope of a better life. Still living with his parents, he saw no way out of his situation, leaving him feeling desperate and stuck.

"I was in a very dark place, but with Helen’s help, I got back on the right path in life. I am now the happiest I have ever been. I’m back in full-time employment, have just bought my first house, and am looking forward to a very bright future."



We used EFT, also known as Tapping to help him heal from the trauma he experienced in his relationship, which was stopping him from initiating any further relationships. Tapping proved highly effective in eliminating the emotional stress he had been carrying; he was able to see this past relationship in a new light. He could enjoy the happy memories and see the ‘learning’ he needed, allowing him to move forward and subsequently enter into a healthier relationship. We also used tapping to help him take the steps needed to secure his dream job; he is now happily employed in a secure job that he loves.

I now mentor David on his spiritual path. He is now practising meditation and fully accepting his sensitivity.