Here is the REAL therapist……

My denial of who I am

My intention as a therapist is to foster independence as I help heal. Being there whilst the individual travels through their own transformation process, and out the other side to confidence, self esteem, growth, contentment. Being a witness to their story of their life, and what an honour it is.

For years I have tried to be, and portray a therapist that I’m not. My intention was to ‘get it all right’, ‘do things the ‘proper’ way’ and to be accepted. I guess you could say that I had a preconceived way of how I thought a therapist should be.

The problem with all of that is that I was not letting on who I truly am. How can anyone decide if I’m the right person to help them if I’m not being honest?

So who am I?

I may have a qualification in counselling but it is a fraction of my work. If you are looking for a counsellor then I am probably not for you. Nothing wrong with counselling, it’s just that I have reaslised, and now accept, that I am a teacher, a coach, a mentor. A healer. I have a very proactive approach to my work. Whilst I am not here to tell anyone what to do, I do give ideas, suggestions. This will not suit everyone, however, the feed back that I receive is that it works. Some actually want to be given ideas, to be taught and to be coached. All the while I am supporting, encouraging and guiding them to do all of this for themselves.

Just like you I am human, and I’ve made many a mistake. I have a past; a difficult past. I have had some harsh life experiences that help to inform my work. These all increase my natural ability to empathise. Whilst no-one can fully know how someone is feeling, being empathic means that we can at least imagine what someone is going through. It also helps that I am an empath – I can feel the energy of another and get a strong sense of what they are feeling. Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean that I know what you are thinking!